Life as an Observer
This is a physically and mentally challenging position, but Observers take pride in the knowledge that their work is essential to effective fisheries management. Gathering, sorting, and weighing a sample at sea is a physically demanding job, and recording the data gathered requires a biologist’s attention to detail. Rough seas are common, bouts of seasickness can be uncomfortable, and the environment can be cold and wet. This is not a 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. job–rather, twelve to fourteen hour days are the rule, and observers can generally expect to work in three to four-hour bursts three or four times during each day when their vessel is fishing. If a vessel is fishing at night, then sampling must be done at night–sleep has to be fit around an erratic schedule. The work is further complicated by the fact that observers and fisherman have different objectives–diplomatic efforts on the observer’s part, aimed at securing a mutually agreeable working environment, are often part of the job. Limited onboard space makes living and working conditions relatively cramped.